October 16, 2010

Attention: John Frieda Fans!

Do you love Frizz Ease, Sheer Blonde, or Brilliant Brunette?
Just go to the official John Frieda website and sign up to get e-mail notifications from them with special offers, free samples, coupon links, contest entry forms, and more! This site has a lot of great information on it, as well as special sections dedicated to each haircolor--blonde, brunette, redhead!
Also, Become A Fan on Facebook to get extra information and stay in the loop! I did this and have a bunch of samples coming my way (hopefully!). I have tried the Sheer Blonde line before and am looking forward to seeing if and how it's changed over the years.
Check it out, save some money, and have awesome hair!

--I am not in any way affiliated with John Frieda, nor was I propositioned/paid/compensated by John Frieda or anyone for making this blog post. This is my own opinion and personal advice for those readers who may enjoy John Frieda products.--