February 10, 2012

Updates and Apologies

Hey there!

First off, thanks for staying interested in my blog despite my extremely extended hiatus. The truth is the summer and fall were quite a hectic time in my life.

While I love all of you and sharing my tips, tricks, loves, and hates, the bottom line is that blogging is about fun and having an outlet for my beauty obsession. So, if I don't have the time or the inspiration to blog, I don't let the pressure get to me. I just do it when I can and when I want to.

That said, I have made a lot of changes recently--for the better--and relaunching my blog in a more updated format is definitely in the works, along with some other fun surprises I would prefer to build suspense around for now. Stay tuned for more on that!!! For the record, Swatch Party will still exist, along with some other great stuff for you all!

So...I'm sorry, and I do promise to write more. Please stay tuned and keep your ears (eyes?) perked for upcoming exciting announcements!